Amazing Grace Moments

Amazing Grace Moments

69 Episodes

Amazing Grace Moments
  • His Thought : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 1

    “His Thought” by Robert Harkness

    When Jesus hung on Calvary He thought of you and me.
    Twas love that held Him there to be a sacrifice for you for me.

    He wore a crown on Calvary: He thought of you and me.
    He knew His thorny crown would be a diadem for you for me.

    On that dread cross of Calvary...

  • Some Golden Daybreak : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 2

    Some Golden Daybreak by C.A. Blackmore

    Some glorious morning sorrow will cease
    Some glorious morning all will be peace
    Heartaches all ended, school days all done
    Heaven will open–Jesus will come

    Sad hearts will gladden, all shall be bright
    Goodbye forever to earth’s dark night
    Changed in a mome...

  • Sinner, Jesus Loves You : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 3

    Sinner, Jesus Loves You by J. Sills

    Sinner, Jesus loves you, story old and new;
    Follow him nor count the cost,…. for dearly he loves you.

    Jesus, friend of sinners, in the garden knew
    Agony and bloody sweat,…. and all for love of you.

    On the cross of Calvary, your redeemer view;
    pierced hand a...

  • Have You Counted the Cost : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 4

    Have You Counted the Cost by Arthur J. Hodge

    There's a line that is drawn by rejecting our Lord,
    Where the call of His Spirit is lost,
    And you hurry along with the pleasure-mad throng -
    Have you counted, have you counted the cost?

    You may barter your hope of eternity's morn,
    For a moment of joy...

  • At Calvary : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 5

    At Calvary by William R. Newell

    Years I spent in vanity and pride,
    Caring not my Lord was crucified,
    Knowing not it was for me He died….. on Calvary.

    By God's Word at last my sin I learned–
    Then I trembled at the Law I'd spurned,
    Till my guilty soul imploring turned….. to Calvary.

    Now I've gi...

  • Lead Me to Calvary : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 6

    Lead Me to Calvary by Jennie Evelyn Hussey

    King of my life I crown Thee now-
    Thine shall the glory be;
    Lest I forget Thy thorn-crowned brow,
    Lead me to Calvary.

    Show me the tomb where Thou was laid,
    Tenderly mourned and wept;
    Angels in robes of light arrayed
    Guarded Thee while Thou slept.


  • Away in a Manger : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 7

    Away in a Manger

    Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
    the little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head.
    The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay,
    the little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.

    The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes,
    but little Lord Jesus no crying he makes.
    I love thee, Lor...

  • Precious Promise: Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 8

    Precious Promise by Nathaniel Niles

    Precious promise God has given
    To the weary passerby,
    On the way from earth to Heaven,
    “I will guide thee with Mine eye.”

    When temptations almost win thee
    And thy trusted watchers fly,
    Let this promise ring within thee,
    “I will guide thee with Mine eye.”


  • Jesus Calls Us : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 9

    Jesus Calls Us by Cecil Frances Alexander

    Jesus calls us over the toomult
    of our life's wild, restless sea;
    Day by day his sweet voice soundeth,
    saying "Christian, follow me."

    Jesus calls us from the worship
    of the vain world's golden store,
    From each idol that would keep us,
    saying "Christian...

  • Will Jesus Find Us Watching : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 10

    Will Jesus Find Us Watching by Fanny Crosby

    When Jesus comes to reward His servants,
    Whether it be noon or night,
    Faithful to Him will He find us watching,
    With our lamps all trimmed and bright?

    If, at the dawn of the early morning,
    He shall call us one by one,
    When to the Lord we restore our t...

  • Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 11

    Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
    by: Helen Howarth Lemmel

    O soul, are you weary and troubled?
    No light in the darkness you see?
    There’s light for a look at the Savior,
    And life more abundant and free!

    Through death into life everlasting,
    He passed, and we follow Him there;
    Over us sin no more hath do...

  • More Like The Master : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 12

    More Like The Master
    by: Chas Gabriel

    More like the Master I would ever be,
    More of His meekness, more humility;
    More zeal to labor, more courage to be true,
    More consecration for work He bids me do.

    More like the Master is my daily prayer;
    More strength to carry crosses I must bear;
    More ear...

  • Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 13

    Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us
    by: Dorothy Ann Thrupp

    Savior, like a shepherd lead us,
    Much we need Thy tender care;
    In Thy pleasant pastures feed us,
    For our use Thy folds prepare:

    We are Thine, do Thou befriend us,
    Be the guardian of our way;
    Keep Thy flock, from sin defend us,
    Seek us when...

  • Cleanse Me : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 14

    by J. Edwin Orr
    Search me, O God, and know my heart today;
    Try me, O Savior, know my thoughts, I pray.
    See if there be some wicked way in me;
    Cleanse me from every sin and set me free.

    I praise Thee,… Lord,… for cleansing me from sin;
    Fulfill Thy Word and make me pure within...

  • He Will Hide Me : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 15

    He Will Hide Me
    by: Mary Servoss
    When the storms of life are raging,
    Tempests wild on sea and land,
    I will seek a place of refuge
    In the shadow of God’s hand.
    Though He may send some affliction,
    ’Twill but make me long for home;
    For in love and not in anger,
    All His chastenings will co...

  • None But Christ Can Satisfy : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 16

    None But Christ Can Satisfy
    by: Anonymous
    O Christ, in thee my soul hath found,
    and found in thee alone,
    the peace, the joy I sought so long,
    the bliss till now unknown.

    I sighed for rest and happiness,
    I yearned for them, not thee;
    but while I passed my Saviour by,
    his love laid h...

  • The Vanity of Man as Mortal : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 17

    The Vanity of Man as Mortal
    by: Isaac Watts

    Teach me the measure of my days,
    Thou Maker of my frame!
    I would survey life's narrow space,
    And learn how frail I am.

    A span is all that we can boast;
    A fleeting hour of time;
    Man is but vanity and dust,
    In all His flower and prime.

    What should I...

  • All to Christ I Owe : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 18

    All to Christ I Owe
    by: Fanny Crosby

    Jesus paid it all;
    All to Him I owe!
    Sin had left a crimson stain;
    He washed it white as snow.

    Redeeming work is done;
    The debt of sin is paid;
    The precious Lamb of God,
    My sacrifice is made.

    I’ll bow at Jesus’ feet,
    And plead His grace so free;
    I’ll wash m...

  • God Our Help in Ages Past : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 19

    God Our Help in Ages Past
    by: Isaac Watts

    O God, our help in ages past,
    our hope for years to come,
    our shelter from the stormy blast,
    and our eternal home;

    Under the shadow of your throne
    your saints have dwelt secure.
    Sufficient is your arm alone,
    and our defense is sure.

    Before the h...

  • A Closer Walk With Thee : Amazing Grace Moments

    Episode 20

    A Closer Walk with Thee
    by: Haldor Linneas
    Lord, I am pleading; hear Thou my prayer.
    Let me Thy blessed fellowship share.
    From day to day Thy servant I'd be.
    Grant me a closer walk with Thee.

    Voices of earth unnumbered I hear;
    Cares and perplexing problems are near.

  • According to Thy Gracious Word : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 21

    by James Montgomery
    According to thy gracious word,
    in meek humility,
    this will I do, my dying Lord,
    I will remember thee.

    Thy body, broken for my sake,
    my bread from heaven shall be;
    thy testamental cup I take,
    and thus remember thee.

    Gethsemane can I forget?
    Or there thy...

  • When I Survey the Wondrous Cross : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 22

    When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
    by: Isaac Watts

    When I survey the wondrous cross
    on which the Prince of glory died,
    my richest gain I count but loss,
    and pour contempt on all my pride.

    Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast
    save in the death of Christ, my God!
    All the vain things that charm me m...

  • Amazing Grace Moments: Are You Lonely

    Episode 23

  • Amazing Grace Moments: When We See Christ

    Episode 24