Deep Waters

Deep Waters

5 Episodes

On each episode of Deep Waters, Pastor Burd will bring us an inspirational message designed to encourage and strengthen our understanding of Scripture followed by a time of Q&A from our studio audience. You’ve got faith questions. We’ve got faith answers.

Deep Waters
  • Going Into The Deep

    Episode 1

    God's word is sharper than any two edged sword, but what does that mean? Pastor Larry Burd dives in the the subject of word of God

  • Ministry Reflections: What I Would Change if I Could

    Episode 2

    Pastor Burd describes what 3 important things he would change looking back in his ministry. 

  • Life Is Short

    Episode 3

     Life is short, death is sure, sin the cause, Christ the cure. Pastor Larry Burd discusses the shortness of life and the one who can save us from our sins. 

  • Treasures Of Truth

    Episode 4

    What is your foundation in this life based on? Pastor Larry Burd discusses what is needed for a strong foundation.

  • Weathering Life Storms

    Episode 5

    In the storms of life, who are you anchored to? Watch our new show, Deep Waters, hosted by Pastor Larry Burd.