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Life without God : Today's News & Biblical Views

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Today's News & Biblical Views

Is Armageddon Near? : Today's News & Biblical Views


Up Next in Season 5 (2022)

  • Life without God : Today's News & Bib...

    Pastor Larry Burd teaches from Romans 1:18-27 and asks what life would be like without God, showing that it would result in God’s wrath, and men’s minds becoming futile and pursuing sinful passions. Ending with what repentance means, and how someone can be saved (Original Airdate 5-29-22)

  • Ministry to Refugees in Cities: Today...

    Pastor Larry Burd & Rob Fields speak with Trent DeLoach of Clarkston International Bible Church about ministering to refugees in cities, in particular in how CIBC does this in Clarkston, GA. They discuss the challenges a refugee faces, their unique needs and how to better serve that community. (O...

  • Pray for America: Today’s News & Bibl...

    Are you praying for our country and its leaders? This week Pastor Larry Burd teaches on the topic "Pray for America". (Original Airdate 2-27-22)