This week Rob Fields and Pastor Larry Burd interview Nadia Gordynsky of Save A Life International. They discuss the work done by Save a Life Foundation around the world helping pregnant women and their children. (Original airdate 7-31-22)
Up Next in Season 5 (2022)
Sola Gratia (By Grace Alone) : Today’...
This week Pastor Larry Burd & Rob Fields speak with Karl DeBoeser (Author & Composer) about his book and musical project “Sola Gratia”. They discuss Martin Luther’s influence on the church and how his influence is still felt today. They talk about several stories of redemption as well as how the ...
Sonshine Ministry to Seniors : Today'...
Pastor Larry Burd interviews John & Wendy Tomlinson of Sonshine Ministry to talk about this singing ministry to seniors. They talk about the role music has played in their lives as well as the lives of many seniors being reached by this ministry. (Original airdate 11-13-22)
Studying the Scriptures for Today’s I...
This week Rob Fields interviews Nate Hoff, Assistant Professor of Bible Exposition, Ph.D., at Dallas Theological Seminary. They discuss how to stud the scriptures to handle Today’s Issues. (Original Airdate 2-6-22)