Sonshine Ministry to Seniors : Today's News & Biblical Views
Episode 1
Pastor Larry Burd interviews John & Wendy Tomlinson of Sonshine Ministry to talk about this singing ministry to seniors. They talk about the role music has played in their lives as well as the lives of many seniors being reached by this ministry. (Original airdate 11-13-22)
Studying the Scriptures for Today’s Issues: Today’s News & Biblical Views
Episode 2
This week Rob Fields interviews Nate Hoff, Assistant Professor of Bible Exposition, Ph.D., at Dallas Theological Seminary. They discuss how to stud the scriptures to handle Today’s Issues. (Original Airdate 2-6-22)
The Assyrian Prophecy : Today's News & Biblical Views
Episode 3
This week Pastor Larry Burd & Rob Fields talk with Dr. Ron Susek – Evangelist & Author of “The Assyrian Prophecy”. They discuss his new book, and the prophecy from Isaiah 19:23-25. Who are the Assyrians? what has happened to them since the days of the Bible? And how will God use them in the futur...
The Trauma Youth are Facing Today : Today’s News & Biblical Views
Episode 4
This week Pastor Larry Burd and Rob Fields interview Timothy Gray, the executive director of Lehigh Valley Youth for Christ about the trauma youth are facing today. Discussions include coping with uncertainty in life, and the importance of a ministry like this grounded in God’s Word. (Original A...
What’s Your Story? : Today’s News & Biblical Views
Episode 5
This week Rob Fields and Pastor Larry Burd talk about how they came to Christ, and the importance of giving your testimony, and how to be able to express your personal story to others. (Original airdate 8-7-22)
What to Look for in a Church: Today's News & Biblical Views
Episode 6
What do you look for in Church? You ask one person why they attend their particular church, and you get one answer; then talk to another person and you get a different answer. You may be a person who is looking for a church home, and wanting to connect with a church family. On this episode, Pa...
Women Drafted in the Military: Today's News & Biblical Views
Episode 7
On this episode of Today’s News & Biblical Views, Pastor Larry Burd and Rob Fields interview Dr. Mark Peterson about women being drafted into the military. Topics include women may be required to register for the military draft and be drafted just like men; why have women been left out of the dra...
Women in the Military : Today's News & Biblical Views
Episode 8
On this episode of Today’s News & Biblical Views, Pastor Larry Burd and Rob Fields interview Dr. Mark Peterson about Christian women joining the military. Topics include if women can volunteer for combat, where should a woman look when deciding if she should join the military, and what does the m...