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He is just the same today : Amazing Grace Moment
1m 0s
He is just the same today by James M Kirk
Have you found the great Physician,
Jesus Christ of Galilee,
He who bore our pain and sorrow,
On the shameful, cruel tree?
Still He heals the sick and suffering,
As before He went away;
For His word most plainly tells us,
“He is just the same to-day.”
Oh! I’m glad to tell you, sufferer,
Christ has more than healing too;
Life abundant, overflowing,
He will gladly give to you.
Step out boldly, claim His fulness,
Let your sadness flee away;
When on earth He made them happy,
And He's just the same to-day.
He is just the same to-day,
As before He went away.
Look to Him, believe and pray;
Trust His word and then obey.
“Praise God, He is just the same to-day.”