Amazing Grace Moments

Amazing Grace Moments

69 Episodes

Amazing Grace Moments
  • Thine arm, O Lord, in Days of Old : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 1

    Thine arm, O Lord, in Days of Old
    Author: E. H. Plumptre

    Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old,
    Was strong to heal and save;
    It triumphed over disease and death,
    Over darkness and the grave.
    To Thee they went, the blind, the dumb,
    The palsied and the lame,
    The leper with his tainted life,
    The sick ...

  • Fill Thou My Life, O Lord, My God : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 2

    Fill Thou My Life, O Lord, My God
    Author: Horatius Bonar

    Fill thou my life, O Lord my God,
    in every part with praise,
    that my whole being may proclaim
    thy being and thy ways.

    Not for the lip of praise alone,
    nor even the praising heart,
    I ask, but for a life made up
    of praise in every part:


  • Father, Hear the Prayer We Offer : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 3

    Father, Hear the Prayer We Offer
    Author: Love M. Whitcomb Willis

    Father, hear the prayer we offer:
    not for ease that prayer shall be,
    but for strength that we may ever
    live our lives courageously.

    Not for ever in green pastures
    do we ask our way to be;
    but the steep and rugged pathway
    may we tr...

  • O Lamb of God, Still Keep Me : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 4

    O Lamb of God, Still Keep Me
    Author: James G. Deck

    O Lamb of God, still keep me
    Near to Thy wounded side!
    'Tis only there in safety
    And peace I can abide.
    What foes and snares surround me,
    What doubts and fears within!
    The grace that sought and found me,
    Alone can keep me clean.

    'Tis only in...

  • Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 5

    Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid
    Author: Rabanus Maurus; Paraphraser: John Dryden

    Creator Spirit, by whose aid
    the world's foundations first were laid,
    come, visit every waiting mind;
    come, pour your joys on humankind.
    From sin and sorrow set us free;
    may we your living temples be.

    O Source of l...

  • Some Time We’ll Understand : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 6

    “Some Time We’ll Understand” by James McGranahan

    Not now, but in the coming years, it may be in the better land,
    We’ll read the meaning of our tears, and there, sometime, we’ll understand.
    We’ll catch the broken thread again, and finish what we here began;
    Heaven will the mysteries explain, and ...

  • What Will You Do With Jesus? : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 7

    “What Will You Do With Jesus?” by M.L. Stocks

    Jesus is standing in Pilate’s hall friendless, forsaken, betrayed by all:
    Hearken! What meaneth the sudden call? What will you do with Jesus?

    Jesus is standing on trial still, you can be false to Him if you will,
    You can be faithful through good or...

  • Fear Thou Not : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 8

    “Fear Thou Not” by James McGranaham

    O Christian traveler fear no more the storms which round thee spread;
    Nor yet the noontide’s sultry beams on thy defenseless head.

    Thy Saviour, who upon the cross thy full redemption paid,
    Will not from thee His ransomed one, withhold His promised aid.

    A sa...

  • Oh the bitter shame and sorrow : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 9

    “Oh the bitter shame and sorrow” by Theodore Monod

    Oh, the bitter shame and sorrow,
    That a time could ever be,
    All of self, and none of Thee,
    All of self and none of Thee.

    Yet He found me; I beheld Him
    Bleeding on the cursed tree;
    Heard Him pray, Forgive them, Father,
    And my wistful heart ...

  • Lord, at thy table I behold : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 10

    Lord, at thy table I behold
    by Samuel Stennett

    Lord, at thy table we behold
    The wonders of thy grace;
    But most of all amazed that I
    Should find a welcome place;

    I,that am all defiled with sin,
    A rebel to my God;
    I that have crucified His Son,
    And trampled on His blood.

    What strange sur...

  • Holy Precious is the Book Divine : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 11

    Holy Precious is the Book Divine by John Fawcett

    How precious is the Book Divine,
    By inspiration given!
    Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine
    To guide our souls to Heaven.

    Over all the straight and narrow way
    Its radiant beams are cast;
    A light whose never weary ray
    Grows brightest at the last....

  • With Broken Heart : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 12

    With Broken Heart by Cornelius Elven

    With broken heart and contrite sigh
    A trembling sinner, Lord, I cry:
    Thy pardoning grace is rich and free
    O God, be merciful to me.

    I smite upon my troubled breast,
    With deep and conscience guilt oppressed;
    CHRIST and His cross my only plea:
    O God, be merci...

  • In Heavenly Love abiding : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 13

    In Heavenly Love abiding
    by Anna Letitia Waring

    In heavenly love abiding,
    no change my heart shall fear;
    and safe is such confiding,
    for nothing changes here:
    the storm may roar without me,
    my heart may low be laid;
    but God is round about me,
    and can I be dismayed?
    Wherever he may guide me,
    no ...

  • Prayer is the Soul's Sincere Desire : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 14

    Prayer is the Soul's Sincere Desire
    by: James Montgomery

    Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire,
    Uttered, or unexpressed;
    The motion of a hidden fire
    That trembles in the breast.

    Prayer is the burden of a sigh,
    The falling of a tear;
    The upward glancing of an eye
    When none but GOD is near.

  • Rescue the Perishing : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 15

    Rescue the Perishing by Fanny J. Crosby

    Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,
    Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave;
    Weep over the erring one, lift up the fallen,
    Tell them of Jesus, the mighty to save.

    Though the are slighting Him, still He is waiting,
    Waiting the penitent child to re...

  • Grant Lord, I may delight in Thee : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 16

    Grant Lord, I may delight in Thee
    by John Ryland

    O Lord, I would delight in thee,
    and on thy care depend;
    to thee in every trouble flee,
    my best, my only friend.

    When all created streams are dried,
    thy fulness is the same:
    may I with this be satisfied,
    and glory in thy name.

    No good in creatu...

  • We breathe our prayer, O God, to Thee : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 17

    We breathe our prayer, O God, to Thee by Edward Ashland

    We breathe our prayer, O God, to Thee, With hearts afire on bended knee,
    Thy name we praise, our thanks we give, for Christ arose that we might live.

    He died and rose that we who trust, might live with Him among the just;
    He died but rose...

  • O Christ, in thee my soul hath found : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 18

    O Christ, in thee my soul hath found by Frances Bevan

    O Christ, in thee my soul hath found,
    and found in thee alone,
    the peace, the joy I sought so long,
    the bliss till now unknown.

    I sighed for rest and happiness,
    I yearned for them, not thee;
    but while I passed my Saviour by,
    his love laid ho...

  • Follow On : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 19

    Follow On by W.O. Cushing

    Down in the valley with my Savior I would go,
    Where the flowers are blooming and the sweet waters flow;
    Everywhere He leads me I would follow, follow on,
    Walking in His footsteps till the crown be won.

    Down in the valley with my Savior I would go,
    Where the storms ...

  • Yield Not to Temptation : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 20

    Yield Not to Temptation by H. R. Palmer

    Yield not to temptation, for yielding is sin;
    Each victory will help you some other to win;
    Fight manfully onward, dark passions subdue;
    Look ever to Jesus, He’ll carry your through.

    Shun evil companions, bad language disdain;
    God’s name hold in rever...

  • Where He Leads I’ll Follow : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 21

    Where He Leads I’ll Follow by W. A. Ogden

    Sweet are the promises, Kind is the word;
    Dearer far than any message man ever heard;
    Pure was the mind of Christ, sinless, I see;
    He the great example is, and pattern for me.

    Sweet is the tender love Jesus hath shown,

  • Saving Grace : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 22

    Saving Grace by Julia Johnston

    O golden day, when light shall break,
    And dawn’s bright glories shall unfold,
    When He who knows the path I take
    Shall open for me the gates of gold!
    Earth’s little while will soon be past,
    My pilgrim-song will soon be over,
    The grace that saves shall time outlast,

  • Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 23

    Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne by Emily Elliot

    Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy kingly crown,
    When Thou camest to earth for me;
    But in Bethlehem's home was there found no room
    For Thy holy nativity.

    Heaven's arches rang when the angels sang,
    Proclaiming Thy royal degree;
    But of lowly birth did...

  • He is just the same today : Amazing Grace Moment

    Episode 24

    He is just the same today by James M Kirk

    Have you found the great Physician,
    Jesus Christ of Galilee,
    He who bore our pain and sorrow,
    On the shameful, cruel tree?
    Still He heals the sick and suffering,
    As before He went away;
    For His word most plainly tells us,
    “He is just the same to-day.”
