Saving Grace by Julia Johnston
O golden day, when light shall break,
And dawn’s bright glories shall unfold,
When He who knows the path I take
Shall open for me the gates of gold!
Earth’s little while will soon be past,
My pilgrim-song will soon be over,
The grace that saves shall time outlast,
And be my theme on yonder shore.
I dimly see my journey’s end,
But well I know who guideth me:
I follow Him, that wondrous Friend,
Whose matchless love is full and free.
And when with Him I enter in,
And all the way look back to trace,
The conqueror’s palm I then shall win,
Through Christ and His redeeming grace.
Then I shall know as I am known,
And stand complete before the throne;
Then I shall see my Savior’s face,
And all my song be saving grace.
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