Stand in the Gap

Stand in the Gap

Hosted by the Honorable Sam Rohrer and Pastor Isaac Crockett. Bringing clarity to cultural confusion and making sense of the nonsense around us, Stand in the Gap will focus on root problems and apply Biblical principles so God’s people can know the truth.

Stand in the Gap
  • The Heavens Declare the Glory of God (Part 2) : Stand in the Gap

    Scripture records that the heavens are continually declaring the glory of God and shouting forth His praise! So for this reason, let's look up and consider God's great power and focus on certain current events in light of God's creation and the incredible witness given to mankind by the sun, moon...

  • The Heavens Declare the Glory of God : Stand in the Gap

    Then scripture records that the heavens are continually declaring the glory of God and shouting forth His praise! So for this reason, let's look up and consider God's great power and focus on certain current events in light of God's creation and the incredible witness given to mankind by the sun,...

  • Transgenderism Exposed: Biblically, Truthfully, Lovingly (Part 2) : Stand in the Gap

    Sam Rohrer & Isaac Crockett speak with George Carneal, author of “From Queer to Christ: My Journey into the Light” on the topic of “Transgenderism Exposed: Biblically, Truthfully, Lovingly (Part 2)”. (Original airdate 8-13-23)

  • Transgenderism Exposed: Biblically, Truthfully, Lovingly (Part 1) : Stand in the Gap

    Sam Rohrer & Isaac Crockett speak with George Carneal, author of “From Queer to Christ: My Journey into the Light” on the topic of “Transgenderism Exposed: Biblically, Truthfully, Lovingly (Part 1)”. (Original airdate 8-6-23)

  • The Truth.. The Whole Truth… Nothing but the Truth: Stand in the Gap

    Pilate asked Jesus life’s essential question: What is truth? As far back as 2002, according to a Barna research report, “a majority of American adults by a margin of 64% to 22% said that there are no moral absolutes and that truth is always relative to the person and the situation.” Research just...

  • Knees that will not Bend : Stand in the Gap

    Sam Rohrer and Isaac Crockett discuss the story of Shadrach, Meshech and Abedneggo; focused on their faith and their approach to demands to deny God and bend their knees. They delve into the Biblical account and how it relates to us today. (original airdate 7-23-23)

  • Who Is God? Part 3 - Jesus is Risen and More: Stand in the Gap

    When it comes to the number of Americans who say they believe in God, the percentage of people has trended downward significantly. But our relationship to God is all important if we hope to stay free, and prosperous. So, what does the Bible say about who God is, His character and His nature? The...

  • Who Is God? Part 2 - God is King and More: Stand in the Gap

    When it comes to the number of Americans who say they believe in God, the percentage of people has trended downward significantly. But our relationship to God is all important if we hope to stay free, and prosperous. So, what does the Bible say about who God is, His character and His nature? The...