State of Independence

State of Independence

6 Seasons

Each week on State of Independence, White House veteran, Joe Watkins, offers conversation that’s conservative, Christian, and driven by kindness.

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State of Independence
  • Bringing God's Story to the Next Generation

    Episode 1

  • The Thing That Would Make Everything Okay Forever

    Episode 2

    God works in amazing ways. Ashley Lande was addicted to psychedelics until God started working on her heart.

  • Finding Grace Behind the Camera

    Episode 3

    How do you say no to fear, continue to point to Christ and not self, while in the news industry? Keith Blaisdell discusses his life in the news and how God has used his skills for good.

  • Telling America's Story

    Episode 4

    When you follow God's calling, life will take you in unexpected directions. Hon. Hans Zeiger tells his story from the Washington State government to now.

  • When God Writes the Story

    Episode 5

    Pastor Dave Biser has led a life he would never plan for himself. Join us to hear the story of a man who ran from God, only to see God's hand in his life working for good. 

  • Who Am I?

    Episode 6

    How do you keep your identity in Christ when the world seems intent on pulling you in every other direction? Our guest, Christina Fox, joins us to discuss her new book. 

  • Faith for Real Life

    Episode 7

    Do you want to share your faith in Christ, but have a lot of fear doing it? Our guest, Dr. Mark Farnham, joins Joe to discuss how you can do it.

  • Green Fields of Service

    Episode 8

    The homeless have always existed, but how often do we think of them as a "problem" instead of human beings created in the image of God? Our guest, Adam Bruckner, discusses who the homeless really are and how we can help them. 

  • From Cynical Christian to Hopeful Pilgrim

    Episode 9

    Does it ever feel like God wants you to do something, but you have no idea what? Our guest, Dr Miles Hodges, shares his story. 

  • Troubled But Not Dismayed

    Episode 10

    Have you ever wondered if God can really forgive you and wash you white as snow? Our guest, Pastor Tim Baldwin, describes his life growing up where he ran away from God in every way. 

  • Let Us See What Love Will Do (William Penn)

    Episode 11

    Who was Willian Penn and how was the state of Pennsylvania founded? Our guest, Dr. Abby Abildness, who has recently helped produce a documentary on the life of Penn, joins us to discuss his life.

  • Is Christlike Public Service Possible?

    Episode 12

    How do you go into politics as a Christian, retaining your humility as well as finding common ground with someone considered your political enemy? Join us to hear from Representative Elect, Scott Barger, how God has molded and changed him for such a time as this.

  • Rethinking Our News Diet

    Episode 13

    The news is constantly bombarding us from every angle, but how do you discern truth from lies? Join us as our producer of State of Independence, Jeff Coleman, discusses these issues and asks this important question of the news, "Why am I being told this information?"

  • The Truth in True Crime

    Episode 14

    What is the proof that the Bible is true? What test shows that it really is the word of God? Detective J. Warner Wallace is a cold case detective and when he decided that he wanted to determine whether or not the bible was true, he used those same skills to determine the truth. Join us as we disc...

  • Destressing Morning TV

    Episode 15

    Do you find that the morning news depresses you? Jeff Coleman talks to Joe Watkins about a new daily morning show coming to Lighthouse TV that is designed to bring you encouragement and hope as you start the day.

  • Rethinking Success

    Episode 16

    What would happen if you fully surrender to God, quit your job, sold everything, and moved to Africa? Our guest, Don Larson did just that. Join us for this episode of State of Independence to hear what God can do.

  • Understanding America's True History

    Episode 17

    Are the problems we have in today's culture really that different from any time in history? Dan Spanger, PhD joins Joe Watkins for a conversation.

  • Where Is God In Poland?

    Episode 18

  • The Good Fights: Disagreeing Better in Relationships

    Episode 19

    How do you forgive someone who has deeply wronged and hurt you in a relationship? Counselor Jessica Meade joins our host for a conversation.

  • From the Killing Fields to the White House

    Episode 20

    How does God take someone from nearly dying while escaping communist Cambodia to working for the President of the United States? Join us today as our host discusses with our guest, Ambassador Sichan Siv, the power of God in his life.

  • A Christian Retailor's Forgotten Legacy

    Episode 21

    John Wanamaker has had a huge impact on the way we shop and the quality standards we now come to expect. Jeff Coleman and Joe Watkins discuss his life and who John Wanamaker looked to for guidance and business morals.

    Original Airdate : 6/14/2024

  • Starting the Conversation with the Next Generation

    Episode 22

    How can grandparents pray for their grandchildren? How can they get to know them and encourage them to know God? Rev. Robert Reid joins our host as they discuss young people and the distractions they face in this age of devices.

    Original Airdate : 5/31/2024

  • A God-sized Vision for the Latino Community

    Episode 23

    Does prayer really affect anything? Guest Roberto Albino joins Joe for a conversation.

    Original Airdate : 5/24/ 2024

  • Hope for Sleepless Nights and Fearful Days

    Episode 24

    Stress seems to be a constant in our busy lives. Join Former Congressman Tim Murphy and our host as they discuss the importance of rest.

    Original Airdate : 5/17/24